Focus To-Do: a Planner and Timer

Inspiration comes from many places. I’m part of a local writing group for romance writers. This past Saturday’s meeting was an eye-opener. Our speaker taught a workshop about overcoming writer’s block. She talked about the reasons for procrastination and other issues. Once again, she helped me over a stumbling block in my writing journey, but she also gave me an idea for the blog—the Pomodoro Method. 

Pomodoro is a time-management method developed in the 1980s to cut tasks into pieces and use timed work sessions to complete the task. Each work interval (usually about twenty-five minutes) is called a pomodoro. Tasks should be specific. Create a checklist of things to accomplish in the pomodoro. The break time depends on how many sessions you plan to do. Three-five minutes is ample break time for three pomodoros. Five or more should have a fifteen to thirty-minute break between sessions.

Many apps feature the method. I’m highlighting Focus To-Do from SuperElement Soft since it has more features than other Pomodoro timers. I’ll mention several others in my last post (Ideas for Writers) as I know not every app works for everyone. And sometimes, you just need a simple app to get the job done.

Focus To-Do has a twenty-five-minute timer feature but also to-do lists for today, tomorrow, and maybe-someday items. Users can add projects with multiple tasks for each project. It can connect to the Forest app and other social media to create a support group for your work.  

The app has a premium feature for $8.99 lifetime that adds more fun such as blocking other apps, detailed stat reports, repeatable tasks, and reminders of upcoming tasks. It can be used cloud-based (possibly premium only) for use on Android, PC, and Apple devices. It works on either the phone or computer. 

As I said, I just got the inspiration to look into this app. I’m hoping to play all week and give you a great How-To next week!

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