Book 33 Will Rise From Ashes
Wattpad is a free social forum for readers and writers. The site was created to “remove the barrier”* between authors and readers. It allows writers to post their stories fee free and connect with millions of readers. Did I mention the readers get all the material for free? Wattpad allows writers to explore their …
Book 32 You Had Me at Hola
You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria fulfilled the category “Book by Latinx Author” for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge. Ms. Daria is a multi-award-winning author of romance. At first, I had another of Ms. Daria’s titles on my list, Take the Lead. When initially published, this novel won an elusive RITA award …
Reference for Writers
If you’ve been following this blog, you know how redundant that title is. Everything here is for writers. I poked around at a few specific reference sites that assist with the actual writing process. Style Guides: Here’s a great list of different style guides from Wiki. Each publishing house, university, and workplace probably uses a …
Book 31 Killers of the Flower Moon
Book 30 Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and Shadow of the Wind
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan and Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón fulfilled the category “Two Books Set in Sister Cities” for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge. Mr. Penumbra takes place in San Francisco while Shadow of the Wind is set in Barcelona, Spain. Again, like last week, I’m posting …
Welp, you can’t search on the internet without either Google or Wikipedia answering all your questions. In fact, here’s a link from Wikipedia for a bunch of online encyclopedias. I expect you are using the big two, so here are some “alternative” sources for research. When I started as a romance writer, I had …